Company Listings for Oilfield Construction / Contractors
in Construction Services & Oilfield Maintenance

Badlands Energy Services, LLC
- PO Box 1639, Watford City, ND 58854
- (701) 842-3620 Office
- Let us handle the toughest jobs When you need a tough clean of serious equipment or spills, just turn to the hydrovac experts at Badlands Hydrovac Services! You'll...
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Dry Bulk Rentals LLC
- 3308 Hwy 85 N, PO BOX 783, Belfield, ND 58622
- (701) 225-9093
- Dry Bulk Rentals was founded in 2011 to enhance the product delivery systems used in the soil solidification process on oil well drilling sites. We were the first supplier...
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Heat King & Thawzall a division of Tamarack Industries
- 1205 Sherwin Road, Winnipeg, MB R3H 0V1, CANADA
- (800) 661-0304
- Heat King and Thawzall are divisions of Tamarack Industries, a leading manufacturer of portable Glycol & Flameless Heaters with manufacturing facilities in Winnipeg, Canada and Alexandria, MN. Tamarack Industries...
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Hofmann Trucking, LLC
- 8060 36th St SE, Jamestown, ND 58401
- (701) 952-7220
- In 1999 Hofmann Trucking began with 3 trucks. Since that time we have expanded our fleet to over 60 trucks. In 2008, shortly after the beginning of the oil boom in western...
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- 400 East Broadway Ave, Suite 600, Bismarck, ND 58501
- (701) 355-8400
- Since the 1930s, KLJ has focused on infrastructure of all types, and for the dynamic oil and gas industry, our full-service engineering company can help you plan and...
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Oilfield Specialty Partners LLC
- 3324 County Road 347, Early, TX 76802
- (325) 203-1133
- Partnering to assist with your contractor and workforce needs OSP is an oilfield consulting firm specializing in upstream, midstream, and downstream projects. With our expertise, we provide tailored...
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Rig Anchors Inc
- P.O BOX 1208, Dickinson, ND 58602
- (701) 690-9762
- An Operator is responsible for maintaining an adequate foundation for safe rig work. This is a problem in states like North Dakota where the water freeze and thaw...
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Tenet Solutions
- 12268 26th F St. NW, Suite A, Watford City, ND 58854
- (701) 842-6022
- An Insulation, Heat Trace, PPE, coatings and building materials distribution company. 701 Channel Dr. Bismarck, ND 58501 12268 26F St. NW Suite A, Watford City, ND 58854
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Trotter Construction, Inc
- 12651 2nd St SW, Grassy Butte, ND 58634
- (701) 863-6771
- Oilfield construction service involving dirt work such as building roads and locations, aggregate hauling on roads and locations, fencing, mowing ditches, seeding, erosion prevention on newly constructed areas...
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B&G Oilfield Services
- 4814 Sunset Blvd., Williston, ND 58801
- (701) 774-0293
- B&G Oilfield Services, founded in Williston in 1966 is celebrating over 59 years of excellence as a multi-service provider with primary focus on Safety and Customer Service. B&G...
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