Company Listings for Disposal
in Construction Services & Oilfield Maintenance

Badlands Energy Services, LLC
- PO Box 1639, Watford City, ND 58854
- (701) 842-3620 Office
- Let us handle the toughest jobs When you need a tough clean of serious equipment or spills, just turn to the hydrovac experts at Badlands Hydrovac Services! You'll...
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- 400 East Broadway Ave, Suite 600, Bismarck, ND 58501
- (701) 355-8400
- Since the 1930s, KLJ has focused on infrastructure of all types, and for the dynamic oil and gas industry, our full-service engineering company can help you plan and...
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B&G Oilfield Services
- 4814 Sunset Blvd., Williston, ND 58801
- (701) 774-0293
- B&G Oilfield Services, founded in Williston in 1966 is celebrating over 59 years of excellence as a multi-service provider with primary focus on Safety and Customer Service. B&G...
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Basin Service Company
- 9926 Highway 83, Westhope, ND 58793
- (701) 245-6479
- Basin has 3 hot oil trucks, 8 fully equipped interstate and Canada ready oil trucks, 29 water/service trucks, 2 winch trucks, and 2 Vac Trucks. 30+ heavy trailers in our fleet: crude oil,...
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JH Operating Company
- 2828 1st Ave. S., Billings, MT 59101
- (832) 213-8570
- JH is an Oil and Gas engineering services company with decades of downhole and surface facilities experience. We are focused on delivering the best value and highest level...
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Little Knife Disposal LLC
- 2397 99th M Ave NW, Mandaree, ND 58757
- (701) 690-0777
- Little Knife Disposal is an oilfield waste disposal with over 30 years of experience in the environmental & remediation industry. Permitted by the NDIC and can accept TENORM waste. Open 24/7...
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Warren Transport, Inc. dba Environmental Materials
- 373 102X Ave SW, Killdeer, ND 58640
- (855) 814-8833
- Environmental Materials is a division of Warren Transport, Inc located in Killdeer, ND. that specializes in providing quality products and services that are cost-effective, efficient and environmentally sound....
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- 4903 2 Avenue West, Williston, ND 58801
- (701) 572-2135
- WISCO combines a wide-ranging fleet of equipment, tools and services; years of experience and training; and a dedicated, safety-oriented crew culture to provide well intervention services to operators...
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