Company Listings for Construction Management / Inspection Services
in Construction Services & Oilfield Maintenance

American Engineering Testing, Inc.
- (701) 483-4288
- Over the past 10 years, AET has built a strong reputation for our safety culture, customer satisfaction, and value-added results in the Williston Basin. AET is ISNetWorld RAVS Plus...
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- 400 East Broadway Ave, Suite 600, Bismarck, ND 58501
- (701) 355-8400
- Since the 1930s, KLJ has focused on infrastructure of all types, and for the dynamic oil and gas industry, our full-service engineering company can help you plan and...
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Tetra Tech
- 7100 Commercial, Suite 4, Billings, MT 59101
- (406) 248-9161
- Tetra Tech is a leader in the environmental consulting field and specializes in providing the following services to the Williston Basin: Air quality permitting and compliance Greenhouse gas...
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B&G Oilfield Services
- 4814 Sunset Blvd., Williston, ND 58801
- (701) 774-0293
- B&G Oilfield Services, founded in Williston in 1966 is celebrating over 59 years of excellence as a multi-service provider with primary focus on Safety and Customer Service. B&G...
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Badlands Contracting LLC
- PO Box 1978, Watford City, ND 58854
- (701) 502-2007
- Badlands Contracting is a multi-disciplinary team led by dedicated professionals focused on the oil and gas industry. We provide pipeline and facility construction services, roustabout, fabrication solutions, engineering,...
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JH Operating Company
- 2828 1st Ave. S., Billings, MT 59101
- (832) 213-8570
- JH is an Oil and Gas engineering services company with decades of downhole and surface facilities experience. We are focused on delivering the best value and highest level...
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MAP General Mechanical Contractors, Inc.
- 1218 Hwy 49 N, Beulah, ND 58523
- (701) 335-8952
- MAP General Mechanical Contractors is a heavy industrial fabricator and constructor with self-perform capabilities. MAP’s office in Beulah, ND provides oilfield services that include Mechanical and General...
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MMR Constructors
- 5319 22nd Ave W, Williston, ND 58801
- (701) 774-3616
- MMR is an industry leader in electrical, instrumentation and technical services and is recognized as the largest open-shop electrical and instrumentation contractor in the United States, with an...
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Optimal Energy Resources, Inc.
- 3657 LA Terraza Drive, Sierra Vista, AZ 85650
- (719) 205-2101
- From Pipelines, Compressor Stations, Gas Plants, CDP Facilities, Pipelines, Well Pads and anything in between, our Construction Management and Inspection Teams are up to the task. We ensure...
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Pioneer Technical Services, Inc.
- 2310 Broadwater Ave, Suite 1, Billings, MT 59102
- (406) 545-4805
- At Pioneer Technical Services Inc. (Pioneer), we understand the unique needs and complexities of the oil and gas industry. With our blend of technical expertise, industry knowledge, and...
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