Vogel Law Firm

- Tomi Norgard
- Attorney
- PO Box 1389
Fargo, ND 58107-1389 (701) 237-6983
(800) 677-5024
(701) 356-6395
Company Description
With offices in Fargo and Bismarck North Dakota as well as Moorhead, Minnesota, Vogel Law Firm offers sophisticated legal representation to businesses and individuals throughout North Dakota, Minnesota, South Dakota and Montana. We are one of the oldest and largest law firms in North Dakota and Northwest Minnesota and serve a diverse group of clients in matters ranging from energy and natural resource law to litigation and commercial transactions. Ultimately, we measure our success in terms of how we improve the lives of our clients. We never forget that the most important part in any legal matter is the people involved.
- Acquisitions, Mergers and Dispositions
- Attorney
- Construction Law
- Corporate Law
- Environmental Law
- Labor / Employment Law
- Litigation
- Transportation Law
- Membership
Legal Services
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