Rig Anchors Inc

Company Description

An Operator is responsible for maintaining an adequate foundation for safe rig work. This is a problem in states like North Dakota where the water freeze and thaw cycle adversely impact the foundation’s safe bearing capacity and is not always stable. The Operator is at immediate liability risk in the event there is property damage, bodily injury, or loss of life due to foundational failure during rig work on the oil site.

At Rig Anchors, we offer an industry lowest-cost solution to Operators. We focus on delivering lasting long-term value, regulatory compliance, and liability protection for our Operator for the life of the well. Our detailed record keeping, documentation, and industry best practices are all guided and based off API RP 4G. This provides the Operator a cost-effective solution to mitigate the inherent risk of an Operator’s responsibility to provide an adequate foundation and better ensures a safe work environment for safe rig work.

For all your rig anchor, line locating, pier, and foundational needs give us a call at 701-690-9762 and let our experienced team and cost-effective solutions go to work for you!



  • Excavating
  • Line Locating
  • Oilfield Construction / Contractors
  • Structure Solutions


  • Custom Holes / Piers / Foundations

Equipment & Supplies

  • Workover Rigs

Oil Well Service

  • Oil Well Service

Plugging / Abandonment Work

  • Plugging / Abandonment Work

Professional Services

  • Oilfield Services