Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute - North Dakota State University

Company Description

The Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute at North Dakota State University provides large scale strategic studies that will inform holistic transportation planning that include mid and downstream transportation and can identify industry constraints and possible alternatives for capacity growth and efficiency. UGPTI has a detailed GIS road and bridge network for modeling highway connectivity and constraints of oil producing regions. UGPTI has developed modeling techniques capable of analyzing movements to minimize transportation cost while considering capacity limitations, as well as estimate impacts of system changes and alternative options in the event of unexpected constraints on existing and future shipments. These sets of models can be applied to both the drilling and production phases of oil development – at the spacing unit level up to the entire formation. Spatial models to visualize existing and forecast movements have been developed using state of the art transportation modeling software on a scale from the spacing unit all the way up to a multi-state model of the Bakken formation in the United States. UGPTI researchers also have experience assembling data sets from electronic logbooks, on-board sensors and other sources to conduct big-data analytics that reveal avenues for improved service and profitability. Real-time information about road status and surface conditions can lead to safety and efficiency enhancements. Rapid advancements in connected vehicle and on-board sensor technologies can increase fuel efficiency and travel-time reliability through truck platooning. To reap these benefits, experts at the Institute can guide organizations through the uncertainties and complexities of deploying the appropriate cost-effective information systems.



  • Gas Analytical
  • Natural Gas Analysis
  • Natural Gas Marketing

Producers - Exploration, Production & Development

  • Producers - Exploration, Production & Development

Professional Services

  • Laboratory Testing / Analytical Services
  • Oil & Natural Gas Analysis
  • Professional Services
  • Education / Training